0009 IDR20009.DLL.\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDEBorland Shared\BDEëThe BDE is already running. You must close all applications which use the Borland Database Engine before the latest version can be installed. Close all BDE applications and click OK to continue, or click Cancel to abort installation.BDE instalace stornována.YA required Borland Database Engine file, "%s", was not found. Install will now terminate8An error occurred installing the Borland Database Engine4Error copying file "%s". Install will now terminate#Error creating/opening registry key5A call to IDAPI32.DLL failed during config file merge6Could not merge: Destination config file was read-only!BDE install merge function failedError loading IDAPINST.DLL&Error calling function in IDAPINST.DLL'Error copying BDE config file to backup